Product Listing on Zotlo Store

Learn about product listing on Zotlo Store

Creating a New Project

The first step to start listing your product on the Zotlo Store is to create a project from the Projects menu. If you already have a project in use, you can skip this step.

If you don't have any projects, you can follow the guide below to create a new project:

Create A New Project

Creating a Product Page

Please follow the guide below to create your product page:

Creating a Product Page

Publishing a Product Page

Please follow the guide below to publish your product page:

Publishing a Product Page on Zotlo Store

Product Page Review Process

Please see the guide below for information about the review process of your product page:

Product Page Review Process

Updating a Live Product Page

Please follow the guide below to update your live product page:

Updating a Live Product Page

Unpublishing a Live Product Page

Please follow the guide below to unpublish your live product page:

Unpublishing a Product Page

Last updated