Adding Social Login

Learn about social login methods

Social login methods allow users to register for your apps and sales sites designed with Zotlo by using their accounts on different online platforms. Social login allows users to quickly and easily register or log in to other platforms without having to set or memorize a new username and password.

Zotlo is integrated with Facebook, Google and Apple social accounts.

Activation of any social network account in the project settings does not mean that it can be used immediately. After the activation process is completed, you need to activate the necessary settings in your flow.

Facebook Account Integration

If you are integrating with Zotlo using the Facebook social login option, you need to enter the Client ID and Client Secret information into the integration panel and enter the Redirect URL information into the Facebook Developer Console.

The integration steps are as follows.

  • Client ID: This is the unique ID of the app you created on the Facebook Developer Portal. You can find the App ID after you create an app on the Facebook Developer Portal.

  • Client Secret: This is the security key for the application you created in the Facebook Developer Portal. It is important that you store this secret key securely.

  • Redirect URL: This is the URL that users will be redirected to after logging into their Facebook account. You must also properly define the redirect URL specified in the Zotlo dashboard to the Facebook Developer Portal. This information is given to you by Zotlo and is defined to Facebook Developer Portal.

Google Account Integration

If you are integrating with Zotlo using the Google social login option, you need to enter the Client ID and Client Secret information into the integration panel and enter the Redirect URL information into the Google Developer Console.

The integration steps are as follows.

  • Client ID: This is a custom ID for the application created in Google Developer Console. You need to create a project in Google Developer Console and get your OAuth 2.0 authentication details.

  • Client Secret: This is the security key for the application you created in the Google Developer Console. It is important that you store this secret key securely.

  • Redirect URL: This is the URL that users will be redirected to after logging into their Google account. You must also properly define the redirect URL specified in the Zotlo dashboard to the Google Developer Console. This information is given to you by Zotlo and is defined to Google Developer Console.

Once these steps are completed, users can register through Zotlo with their Google credentials.

Apple Account Integration

If you are integrating with Zotlo using Apple's social login option, you need to get Team ID, Client ID, Secret Key and Key ID information from your Apple Developer account. After entering this information correctly on the integration screen in the Zotlo panel, your integration process will be completed and users will be able to register with their Apple credentials.

Last updated