Product Page Review Process

Learn about the review process of your product page

Products to be published on the Zotlo Store must be reviewed and approved by the Zotlo team to ensure their compliance. The review, approval and rejection processes of your product are explained in detail below.

Tracking Product Pages Sent for Review

From the “Zotlo Store” page in the Zotlo dashboard, you can see the product page you have submitted for review and track its status. There are 4 different values for the status of your product page:

  • Waiting for Review: Your product has not yet been reviewed and is waiting for the review process. If your page is in this status, you can cancel the review request and edit it again with the “Cancel submission” button on the screen.

  • In Review: Your product is currently being reviewed and evaluated. You cannot make any editing while in this status.

  • Rejected: Your product has been rejected as a result of the review and there are issues that need to be corrected. You can view the issues that need to be corrected by clicking on the “Rejection Details” button on the screen and you can make adjustments again with the Edit button.

  • Ready for Sale: Your product has successfully passed the review process, is now ready for sale and has been published on the Zotlo Store.

Last updated